R&D Center

R&D Center



Herbs, perennial. Roots fibrous. Stems bulbs or rhizomes. Leaves basal, simple, mostly deciduous, alternate, spiral, distichous; sessile or petiolate, sheathing, simple; blade linear, lanceolate, oblong, ovate or orbicular, margins entire.
Inflorescences cymes, umbels, heads or flowers solitary, with or without involucral bracts, spatheaceous; scape solid or hollow.
Flowers regular to irregular, cyclic; perianth parts 6, in 2 whorls, free to joined; stamens (3-)6(-18), free or adnate to perianth tube; ovary inferior, locules 3, placentation axial, ovules 12-50 per locule; style 1; stigmas 1 or 3. Fruit capsules or berries, fleshy or dry, dehiscent or indehiscent.
Seeds few, black, green or red.

Genera ca. 60(6 in Korea), species ca. 800(7 In Korea).
Distribution: Temperate, subtropical, tropical regions.

1. Perianth zygomorphic, pale purple, red, deep yellow, or yellowish white.
    2. Leaves appearing in autumn, dark green; perianth red ---------- 1. L. radiata
    2. Leaves appearing in early spring, green; perianth yellow, deep yellow, pale purple, or yellowish white.
        3. Perianth segments reflexed, undulate at margin ---------- 2. L. chinensis
        3. Perianth segments flat, entire at margin.
            4. Perianth with red tints.
                5. Perianth yellow or yellow with red tints at the margin ---------- 3. L. flavescens
                5. Perianth yellowish white, red tints along midrib ---------- 5. L. chejuensis
            4. Perianth without tints
                6. Perianth ivory white ---------- 4. L. uydoensis
                6. Perianth pale purple ---------- 6. L. squamigera
1. Perianth nearly actinomorphic, orange-red. ---------- 7. L. sanguinea

Lycoris Herb., Bot. Mag. 47: 5, sub t. 2113, 1819.

Herbs, perennial, bulbiferous. Bulbs tunicate, subglobose to ovoid.
Leaves appearing before or after anthesis, radical, linear or straplike, 2-12, glabrous, entire.
Inflorescences terminal, umbels, 4-10-flowered; involucral bracts 2, linear to lanceolate; scape simple, erect, solid, naked.
Flowers bisexual, nearly actinomorphic or zygomorphic, pedilcellate; perianth funnelform, deeply 6-parted; perianth segments 6,
linear lanceolate to oblanceolate, reflexed at tip or not, sometimes undulate at margin; stamens 6; pistil 1; ovary 3-locular; style
longer than stamens; stigma capitate; ovules about 6 per locule; placentation axile.
Fruit capsules, dehiscent. Seeds globose, black or dark brown.
Chromosome numbers 2n= 12-19, 21-23, 25-28, 32, 33, 43.

Species 20(5 in Korea).
: Temperate woodlands. open grassy areas in E Asia.

1. Perianth zygomorphic, pale purple, red, deep yellow, or yellowish white.
    2. Leaves appearing in autumn, dark green; perianth red ---------- 1. L. radiata
    2. Leaves appearing in early spring, green; perianth yellow, deep yellow, pale purple, or yellowish white.
        3. Perianth segments reflexed, undulate at margin ---------- 2. L. chinensis
        3. Perianth segments flat, entire at margin.
            4. Perianth with red tints.
                5. Perianth yellow or yellow with red tints at the margin ---------- 3. L. flavescens
                5. Perianth yellowish white, red tints along midrib ---------- 5. L. chejuensis
            4. Perianth without tints
                6. Perianth ivory white ---------- 4. L. uydoensis
                6. Perianth pale purple ---------- 6. L. squamigera
1. Perianth nearly actinomorphic, orange-red. ---------- 7. L. sanguinea

1. Lycoris radiata (L'Hér.) Herb., Bot. Mag. 47: 5, 1819.
Basionym: Amaryllis radiata L'Hér., Sert. Angl. 3: pl. 15, 1792.
Korean name: Seok-san
Flowering early Sep.
Distribution: Asia.
Korea: All provinces. Open mountain slopes and lowlands.

2. Lycoris chinensis Traub, Pl. Life 14:44, 1958.
Var. sinuolata K. Tae & S. Ko, Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 23: 234, 1993.
Korean name: Jin-no-rang-sang-sa-hwa
Flowering late Jul to early Aug.
Distribution: Restricted to Korea.
Korea: JB, JN. Open mountain slopes. Endemic.

3. Lycoris flavescens M. Kim & S. Lee, Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 34: 13, 2004.
Korean name: Bulk-no-rang-sang-sa-hwa
Flowering Aug.
Distribution: Korea.
Flowering late Aug to early Sep.
Distribution: Korea.
Korea: JB, JN, GG(Ganghwa-do). Endemic.

4. Lycoris uydoensis M. Kim, Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 34: 14, 2004.
Korean name: Uy-do-sang-sa-hwa
Korea: JB(Uy-do). Endemic.

5. Lycoris chejuensis K. Tae & S. Ko, Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 23: 234, 1993.
Korean name : Je-ju-sang-sa-hwa
Flowering Aug.
Distribution : Restricted to Korea.
Korea: JJ. Endemic.
This species is characterized by its yellowish white perianth segments tinged red along midrib.
Individuals in the sun have more red than those in the shade.
Flowering late Jul to Aug.
Distribution: E Asia.

6. Lycoris squamigera Maxim., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 79, 1855.
Korean name : Sang-sa-hwa
Korea: All provinces. Cultivated.

7. Lycoris sanguinea Maxim., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 80, 1885.
Var. koreana (Nakai) Koyama, Baileya 7: 6, 1959.
Basionym: Lycoris koreana Nakai, Bot. Mag.(Tokyo) 44: 516, 1930.
Korean name : Baek-yang-kkot
Flowering late Aug to early Sep.
Distribution: Japan, Korea.
Korea: JB, JN, GN. Open mountain slopes.


  • 1. Cosmetic composition comprising the fruit extract of Rubus hirsutus Thunb.
    and horse fat for skin care.

    Patent Date & Number: Oct. 9, 2012. 10-1191140
  • 2. Process for preparing horse placental extract by low temperature treatment,
    horse placental prepared therefrom and food composition having the same.

    Patent Date & Number: Jan. 24, 2011. 10-1011772
  • 3. Cosmetic composition having anti-wrinkle effect containing the horse placental extract.

    Patent Date & Number: Oct.6, 2010. 10-0987302
  • 4. Fruit extract of Rubus hirsutus Thunb. having skin whitening activity containing ellagic acid.

    Patent Date & Number: Dec. 28, 2009. 10-0935329
  • 5. Leaf extract of Fragaria ananassa Duchesne Complex
    having skin whitening activity containing ellagic acid.

    Patent Date & Number:June 23, 2009. 10-0905388
  • 6. Composition comprising horse fat and fruit extract of Camellia japonica for improving wrinkle or promoting skin-regeneration.

    Patent Date & Number: Jan. 6, 2014. 10-1350222
  • 7. A composition comprising fruit extract of Camellia japonica having antioxidant and whitening effect

    Patent Date & Number:JUN. 10, 2014. 10-0031838


  • 2010

    Lysimachia quelpaertensis (Primulaceae), a new species from Jeju Island, South Korea. Korean J.
    Pl. Taxon. 40(2): 108-112.

  • 2009

    Taxonomic reexamination based on morphological characters of the Rubus hongnoensis Nakai.
    Korean J. Plant Res. 22(5): 473-476.

  • 2009

    Establishment of high frequency plant regeneration system from leaf explants of Pinellia koreana via
    bulblets formation. Kor. J. Plant Biotechnology. 36(2): 193-196.

  • 2008

    Relationship of Lycoris (Amaryllidaceae) based on RAPD Makers. Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 38(1): 17-29.

  • 2008

    Genetic variation and relationships of Pericaria thunbergii (Sieb.&Zucc.) H.
    Gross ex Nakai (Polygonaceae) by the RAPD analysis. Kor. J. Plant Res. 21(1): 66-72.

  • 2007

    Plant regeneration from leaf and root cultures of Lycoris chejuensis via bulblet formation. Kor.
    J. Plant Biotechnology. 34(3): 223-227.

  • 2007

    RAPD anlyses on the regional population of two species of Saururaceae in Korea. Kor.
    J. Plant Res. 20(4): 272-280.

  • 2007

    A taxonomic study of Lysimachia sect. Spicatae (Primulaceae) based on morphological characters.
    Kor. J. Pl. Tax. 37(1): 61-78.

  • 2006

    Arisaema thunbergii subsp. geomundoense S.C.Ko (Araceae), a new subspecies from Korea. Kor.
    J. Pl. Tax. 36(3): 209-216.

  • 2006

    Unrecorded species in Korea: Monochasma sheareri (S. Moore) Maxim. ex Franch. et Sav.
    (Scrophulariaceae). J. Plant Biology. 49(4): 336-338.

  • 2005

    Genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships of tribe Forsythieae (Oleaceae) based on RAPD
    analysis. Korean J. Plant Res. 18(2): 135-144.

  • 2005

    Analysis of phylogenetic relationship among Korean Pinellia Tenore (Araceae) using RAPD markers,
    Korean J. Pl. Tax. 35(3): 161-174.

  • 2005

    Pinellia koreana (Araceae), A new species from Korea. Novon. 15(3): 484-487.

  • 2005

    A systematic study of Abeliophyllum distichum (Oleaceae) based on cytological characters.
    Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 35(2): 143-151.

  • 2005

    Characteristics of flowering habit, pollination patterns and seed setting of Hosta plantaginea Aschers.
    Korean J. Plant Res. 18(2): 309-314.

  • 2005

    Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in leaf and petiole explant culture and cell suspension
    cultures of Pinellia tripartita. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 80 : 267-270.

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